Teatro Greco, Taormina

Teatro Greco, Taormina

Monday, July 10, 2006


Italy wins the 2006 World Cup in soccer vs. France!! A once in a lifetime experience for us to be in Italy when they win for the first time since 1982. The pride shown before, during and after the game was indescribable. People were walking around the streets with huge flags and soccer banners; men, women and children alike were adorned with team attire and face paint; and even tourists were displaying Italian patriotism! After the game, everyone congregated in the streets to show their pride and excitement about this historical victory. Droves of motorscooters and mini-European cars formed parades that led from one end of town to the other down the main road, Corso Umberto. Vehicles showed strong support of the Italian team, also called Azzura, and a few even had sound-systems and a mini-dance floor. And, in Piazza Aprile, home of the infamous Wunderbar, people were chanting the National Anthem and showering the crowd with champagne! The joy among the crowd of natives and tourists was extraordinary. This was definitely a powerful display of country pride that we all wished was alive in the US today. Posted by Picasa

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